The HOA would like to invite all residents to get involved, if you would like to participate please contact us.

Important: If you notice any landscape items that need to be addressed in the neighborhood please use the form below to contact us. Board members make regular inspections but it is important that residents report issues as well, for example - over watering or under watering issues, dead plants and trees etc.



Regulating the amount of water used to maintain our landscaping is a constant task, our water bill is our largest single expense. The landscaping contractor checks and adjusts the settings on the irrigation system depending on the expected weather conditions.

Please help us effectively manage the watering system, by reporting to Landscape Committee, email issue through your Spark Property Login or text HOA work order request to 229-337-2409.  Be sure to reference your house number and area of attention. 

Any areas in the neighborhood that appear to be excessively watered or any areas that are being under watered. With your help we can keep down our homeowner fees and keep up the neighborhood. Thank you!

Please report excessive water problems/water flowing in the neighborhood to Sparks at : 229-337-2409 so that it can receive immediate attention.  You may also contact Greg at Emerald City Landscape 831-713-8745 in emergency situations.

Landscaping Issues
Please report problems with plants, shrubs and trees to Sparks or the Landscaping Committee using the Contact Data Provided on the home page to the right.



As a reminder all common areas, shrubs, trees and grass are watered with recycled water.   Please be sure not to allow pets or anyone for that matter to drink.   Yearly testing  and repairs are done to ensure backflow systems are working to code.