The HOA would like to invite all residents to get involved, if you would like to participate please contact us.

Important: If you notice any landscape items that need to be addressed in the neighborhood please use the form below to contact us. Board members make regular inspections but it is important that residents report issues as well, for example - over watering or under watering issues, dead plants and trees etc.

Paint & Home Exterior


As part of our association regulations, all homeowners need to complete an architectural modification form, before painting the exterior of their house. Our goal is to make this as easy as possible. Please follow this procedure to ensure a quick turnaround on the application process:
  1. Complete the architectural request form, you can request one from Spark Property
  2. Choose your color scheme
    The Vineyards has a set of pre-approved color schemes that you can choose from. These color schemes are updated on an ad hoc basis to keep up with current trends. Request the latest color boards from Rene Keehn. Using color combinations from the color boards will speed up your application process.  OR
    Select your own color combination, provide color samples to the Board; they will review the new colors or color combination at the next scheduled Board meeting.
  3. Complete the architectural application form, attaching color samples if necessary, and mail it to Spark Property or give it to Rene Keehn.
  4. On approval of your application schedule your contractor.
Have questions? Contact: Ian Brown at Spark Property 



Please remember that ALL exterior changes and modifications, not just painting, must have prior association approval. This includes any changes or additions to your house that are visible from the exterior, for example: satellite dishes, doors and windows, garden structures etc.

Please complete and submit to the association your application for modification. The correct form can be obtained from Spark Property.  Log into your account to download

Have questions? Contact: Ian Brown.  His information is on the home page of this site.